Rising Star Spotlight: Introducing Chris Holmes


“I wanted to do more with my life and push the boundaries to take a risk, make mistakes and learn.” And that was the springboard for Chris Holmes, First Runner Up in StarCentral Magazine’s Annual Model Search 2017 to launch into the world of modeling. After his realisation, Chris asked a friend to take some photos that he could start his portfolio with. He recounts “looking up in Google which modelling agencies would be the right fit and WINK models came up in the search and I decided to take a leap of faith with that agency. WINK got in contact with me in just a few days saying that would love to have me on board and have been working with them ever since. I have been very grateful for the opportunity they gave me…”


A newcomer to the industry, the 25-year old has found himself fascinated by the many facets of modeling. He enjoys the passion displayed by the many people involved in the industry – from his fellow models to photographers, from managers to makeup artists, from the stylists to the clients. Chris reveals that he enjoys “the variety of work, how each job is always different and I always feel you learn something new from each job. I enjoy that it puts you in a different comfort zone on each new job. It has taught me a lot about myself and having to be adaptable and well organised.”


The reality of inconsistent work is the bane of every model but now and then, something special happens. For Chris, it is his recent success at StarCentral’s annual event. He shares that it “was a lot of fun and I learnt a lot from it and met a wide variety of great people. Gave me a lot of confidence…to be able to push forward and make a career out of modelling.” Chris also reveals that meeting Australian model/TV presenter, Lauren Vickers was one of those special moments. Meeting her has given him the “insight to understand the quality required to be an outstanding model on and off the camera.”


The gorgeous half Australian/half Greek hunk has learned a few things in his fledgling modeling career. He says that the biggest lesson is accepting rejection and realising that “it is just the way industry is and in the end it is up to client to make the decision…” He has also learned of “being able to let go of all your insecurities when you are on camera because, it picks up on every little detail. I think of it as a lie detector.” Chris shares that remembering where he came from, remembering the struggles he has endured has helped in him dealing with his new career’s ups and downs.

Though his family may not be totally sold on his being a model and would rather he have a full-time job, Chris nevertheless reveals that “they can see it is the right time for me to enjoy the challenge of this career and have been very supportive.” He knows that the support that they have given him has helped him “be where I am today because without them I would not have achieved as much in such a small amount of time…”


Having achieved so much already, it’s no wonder that Chris Holmes has big plans for the future. He shares that he is aiming to “work as a model and actor, overseas in the USA, Canada and Asia. That’s my dream to able to make a career overseas and that is what I am striving for.”


1. Last good movie I’ve seen ‘Logan’

2. What do you consider beautiful and why? Looking at the stars at night and knowing that there is a different night sky for others all around the world and how beautiful a night sky can be.

3. What haven’t you done yet that you wish you could? Being able to give back to my family and friends. Give them opportunities that they always wanted to do and dream. I would be smiling forever
4. Complete this sentence: “If I had no fear, I’d…” I would be still traveling.
5. What is the one “flaw” you wouldn’t change about yourself? Being upfront and honesty. No BS.


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