You Can Now Volunteer To Cuddle Drug-Addicted Babies To Help Them Heal


An amazing volunteer opportunity has just arisen in the U.S. and it’s incredibly rewarding.

As drug addiction rates continue to soar all over America, more and more babies are suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

These babies who have been exposed to drugs inside their mother’s wombs, require a special amount of care to endure the agonizing withdrawal process and specially-trained volunteer cuddlers can be a vital part of that survival effort because their mothers are oftentimes struggling to keep it together and are therefore too unwell to care for an infant.


According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the incidence of NAS has risen 383 percent in the United States since 2000. Therefore, there are a number of babies all over America who needs some solid cuddles. Most local hospitals in the U.S. have volunteer programs – hospitals in Texas, Chicago and California offer similar programs but there’s also always the option of calling the hospital and asking for volunteer services if you want to experience this rewarding volunteer opportunity.

So who’s ready to be a baby cuddler??

Source: goodhousekeeping / simplemost

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