Three Simple Things You Can Do to Make A Date Extra Special


It’s not actually the breathtaking view, the fancy food and everything that glitters that will sweep a woman off her feet and led her to a fantasy world where romance and love linger not just for the swift moment, but, perhaps, even for a lifetime.

Don’t get me wrong. All of these show that you do value us with your time and your money. But love’s real worth cannot be measured solely by the $ spent on the dining table. Making your partner feel that she’s special is what in fact matters.

So how do you make her feel special?

Well, at this point, I am assuming that you have everything carefully planned already as nothing as a well thought out rendezvous could make this special event a big hit.

Here’s the top three on my list that could make your date extra special:

1. Don’t forget to mention good and honest compliment every now and then. We all love to be praised. There’s something about it that brings out a positive outlook in a person as well as a greater degree of acceptance for the person giving out the compliment. Just make sure that you will not say anything that will in effect make her feel that you are waiting for something in return, however. Instead, look for something unique and good about her and be candid when praising her. Saying it when she least expects it would make her feel even more special.

2. Show her that you care. It’s not enough that you use words to show that you feel something for her. As the saying goes, “action speaks louder than words.” If you plan to make that day extra special, make it a point that your words would match your actions.

There might be awkward moments when you are together, especially if you’d just been dating for just a few times. However, if you had already filled the air with compliments, might as well translate those praises into visible cues.

Let her be the center of your attention and let her feel that you are totally engulfed in her presence. Show her that you are proud to be with her. For instance, holding her hand when in a crowd and not letting go of it when another girl or boy walks by would make her feel that she’s the only person you are interested to be with during those times.

3. Go the extra mile. A final reminder to add zest and make that date special. Doing the small things like taking her photos, singing love songs or leaving short love notes for her are just perfect to top off that spectacular day. Finally, like you, she will also make mistakes at any point during your meeting, so you need to be patient and let her win the small arguments. Never underestimate nor even try to control her. Always accept her for who she is and do not try to convince her to be someone she’s not.

Don’t worry if this is your first time to take her out. Just be natural and be honest in everything that you’d be sharing with her. Timidity almost always spoils special moments like this, but if you speak from your heart, she will feel it and your words will be complemented accordingly in due time.

With this, your evening that started off with a dream may finally end up with a season of realities.

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